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Introduction to the Worship Dream Team:

Thank you so much for your interest in serving on our worship team! We are a worshipping church and place a high value and level of expectation on those who serve on platform with the band.

Here is all the information you need about your next step. Take a look through the list below and find where you are and what your next step is (jump beyond the points you have already completed). If you need any help, we LOVE assisting people on their journey at Harvest! Give us a call during office hours at 613-932-7320 or email:

1. Attend StepOne

StepOne helps you discover your next step with Jesus or how to get more involved at Harvest, by sharing with you more about who we are, what we believe and why. You’ll learn about where we’ve been as a church, and where we’re going!

Register for StepOne

2. Complete Roots

Roots is divided into three sessions that equip you to 1) discover God’s plan for developing and strengthening you, 2) discover the strengths of your purposeful design, and 3) use your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others.

Register for Roots

3. Serve on a Dream Team (Production or Host) for a minimum of 6 months

Through Roots you will have chosen a Dream Team to join and are now making a difference through our weekend services! We ask that you serve with joy and excellence for a minimum of 6 months on the team you are already on before we explore the Worship Team. We do this so that we can get to know each other better, see that you are skilled, reliable and connected to our body.


4. Send us a Video Audition of you playing/singing with your instrument/voice

We want a glimpse into your abilities musically before we do an in-person evaluation, so take the time to follow these steps in sending us your video audition (please read through ALL the information below before recording and sending in your clip).

We ask that you learn and play along with the following two songs from our database, for which you will find all the resources you need right here on this page. We play and sing everything with a click/metronome and expect any additions to our team to be able to do so as well. Please use the tracks provided to play/sing along with in your video.

SONG 1: “What a Beautiful Name,” by Hillsong Worship, key of D major

Use this video to learn this song if you don’t already know it, however, please use the TRACK in your video audition.

SONG 2: “Eyes On You” by The Belonging Co., key of E major

Use this video to learn this song if you don’t already know it, however, please use the TRACK in your video audition.

Your video must:

  • Be recent
  • We need to be able to see and hear YOU play. Please make sure the track provided is audible as well as your playing.
  • Be sent to

5. We will be in touch!

Once we have received and reviewed your video, if we believe your abilities have potential to support our worship team, we will be in contact with you about an in-person audition-for-development.

We have a high level of expectations on those who serve on platform, which includes the following:

  • At-home musical practice habits
  • Musical memorization
  • Worship Practice attendance
  • Early Sunday arrival
  • Exhibit mature Christian behaviour (on and off the platform)
  • Believes in tithing
  • Team Player
  • Servant’s heart