We would love to pray for you or celebrate God's provision with you. Fill out the form below to submit a request or answered prayer, which will be shared with in a day or so unless you choose "DO NOT share this". If you choose this option, your submission will only be shared to our prayer ministry team.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.

Mary Brink

A friend's husband, Andrew, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. They do not yet know what kind. Please pray it is not aggressive, has not spread, and is easily taken care of. May he also come into a real relationship with Jesus through this trial. Physical and spiritual healing! Thank you!

Received: November 21, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Linda Landry

Pray for my brother Michel 's healing of his right ear which is infected behind the ear drum and he is on his second bout of antibiotic with no results yet.

Received: November 18, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.

Victoria Brown

Please pray for my youngest daughter, Kara. She's been sick these last few days. Last night she threw up many times and this morning she has low energy and is nauseous. She is type 1 diabetic so vomiting can be dangerous for her as the dehydration can cause a spike in ketone levels in her blood. Right now these levels are a little high, as well as her blood sugar levels but we are doing our best to combat this with insulin and fluids...and prayer. Please pray that the nauseousness will pass, she will have an appetite to eat and keep food down, she will stay hydrated and her ketone/blood sugar levels will be normalized. Thank you

Received: November 18, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


Let’s continue to pray for Nicole’s mom. She has been transferred to the Heart Institute in Ottawa for more testing and treatment for some blockages. Today was her 76th birthday so let’s be praying that she feels the love of God and her family while she is away from home, that healing would come, wisdom and good treatments from the Doctors and that she would be able to come home soon.

Received: November 16, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.

Christianne Underwood

Hi church!

My Dr. has just informed me that the osteoporosis i have been diagnosed with 2 years ago has progressed (genetic) so in faith, I’m declaring these bones to be healed in Jesus’ name!

I believe in the complete restoration of my bones so i can continue to be strong physically in my field of work (PSW) with seniors in the retirement home!!

Thank you for believing for this miracle with me!

Received: November 15, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Tyler Eastman

Thank you. For all the prayers, my girlfriend is safely home and on the road to recovery which started with church this past Sunday.

Received: November 15, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Deborah MacGowan

Praise the Lord! Thanks to all who have been praying for my brother Ken. The CT scan showed no evidence of the tumour spreading. Hallelujah! Today the neurologist is saying the brain tumour is cancerous and agressive and will have to be removed in the next few weeks. Let’s continue to stand together in prayer, believing that tumour will be gone before the day of surgery. Amen!!!

Received: November 14, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.

Miia Naugler

Church please be in prayer for Nicole Russell's mom who is currently in hospital due to some heart issues. She is having testing done as well as receiving treatment. Let's pray for wisdom for the doctors and staff caring for her but also an immediate touch from God of healing and peace for her as well as her family.

Received: November 14, 2022

I prayed for this

Prayed for 6 times.

Mary Brink

Thanks to all who have been praying for Susan Alguire's granddaughter, born with cleft palate. Her cleft was originally 15 mm. It has now closed to 7 mm. Great progress! They likely will do the first surgery within 6 weeks to close the lip and gums. Later they will do the palate. Please continue to pray for her and her parents. Thank you!

Received: November 14, 2022

This prayer has been answered!

Susan Crites

The surgery for my niece’s boy Tristan (who recently turned 16) was successful, They removed most of all the tumour they could without causing damage to his brain. Join me in thanksgiving for this Miracle. Our Heavenly Father has done it again, He made a way where there was no way. Let us pray the tumour will never grow back, but this young man will grow to become a Voice for the Kingdom of God! We give you thanks and Praise!!

Received: November 14, 2022

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